Magento: Create order programatically customer as guest in magento SOAP
By using this code you can easily create order through magento api.
Collection of Thoughts
By using this code you can easily create order through magento api.
We can cache the block and also cache the particular HTML block code 1st time it will cache and from next time it will call from cache for eg:- in product view page your...
Get the Sender name and Email from config table in Magento:-
Followings are the code of save country in cookie in Magento:-
Here is the code for calling block in Magento:- Module page Calling Static Block OR In CMS PAge
If our collection is then we can log the collection SQl query by using
To convert the price to some other currency we need to select that currency in allowed currency and import currency rates from System->Manage currency ->Rates . The synatx for currency conversion is currencyConvert($amount, $from,...
Here is a quick code to check if a Magento module is installed, enabled or active. The functions isModuleEnabled and isModuleOutputEnabled are present in Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract class. You can also check if the output of...
Here is the step-by-step procedure to install new language package on Magento. Let’s assume that you want to install Dutch language package. 1. Go to this link. 2. Get the extension key. 3. Login...
This tutorial shows how to add a custom select list in configuration settings of a custom Magento module. Suppose, your module’s namespace is YourNamespace and your module’s name is YourModule. And, you want to...
The array variable $arrProductIds will now contain the list of all Product IDs that have been wishlisted by that specific Customer.
Magento get CMS page content anywhere on the site without header and footer using below script. You may need to do this for displaying CMS page on part of the page, like popup or...
Below Code will remove automatically product items from shopping cart page which are out of stock In config.xml file: In Observer.php file: Enjoy…..:)
Magento get all the attribute values you have in the store. Get all the colors and sizes values in Magento. Change the attribute name to whatever you want values for, in the below script....
Get real IP address if your server or customer is behind a proxy network. Magento have function Mage::helper(‘core/http’)->getRemoteAddr(); to get client IP address, but it gives proxy IP address instead of real IP if...
I found this out while scouring the net on my quest for all my other recent problems. Zend has a built in barcode generation class, Zend_Barcode. Then googling php image output, I put together...
To add Magento’s layered navigation to a CMS page where you’re showing items simply edit your CMS page in the admin – under the “Design” tab put this code: This will show the layered...
There are several methods used for overriding magento core files. Here I’m going to explain one of simplest method to override core files in magento. In this method to override magento core files, you...
Here is the code to delete all shopping cart items of currently logged in single customer:- $cart = Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/cart’); $quoteItems = Mage::getSingleton(‘checkout/session’) ->getQuote() ->getItemsCollection(); foreach( $quoteItems as $item ){ $cart->removeItem( $item->getId() ); } $cart->save();...