Magento: Check if a module is installed, enabled or active
Here is a quick code to check if a Magento module is installed, enabled or active.
The functions isModuleEnabled and isModuleOutputEnabled are present in Mage_Core_Helper_Abstract class.
$moduleName = 'Mage_Core'; // edit to your required module name if (Mage::helper('core')->isModuleEnabled($moduleName)) { echo "Module is enabled."; } else { echo "Module is disabled."; }
You can also check if the output of the module is enabled or not. The following function will also check if the module is enabled or not.
$moduleName = 'Mage_Core'; // edit to your required module name if (Mage::helper('core')->isModuleOutputEnabled($moduleName)) { echo "Module is enabled."; } else { echo "Module is disabled."; }
isModuleEnabled function might not be present in older versions of Magento. If it is so, then you can use the following code to check whether a module is installed or active.
$moduleName = 'Mage_Core'; // edit to your required module name $isActive = Mage::getConfig()->getNode('modules/' . $moduleName . '/active'); if ($isActive && in_array((string)$isActive, array('true', '1'))) { echo "Module is enabled."; } else { echo "Module is disabled."; }