Magento: Create order programatically customer as guest in magento SOAP
By using this code you can easily create order through magento api.
<?php $proxy = new SoapClient(''); $sessionId = $proxy->login('pk_admin', 'pk1234567'); echo "<br />sessionId : ".$sessionId; $store_id = 1; $website_id = 1; // Create a quote, get quote identifier $shoppingCartId = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'cart.create', array($store_id)); echo "<br />shoppingCartId : ".$shoppingCartId; // Set customer, for example guest $customerAsGuest = array( "firstname" => "Prashant", "lastname" => "Kumar", "email" => "", "website_id" => $website_id, "store_id" => $store_id, "mode" => "guest" ); $resultCustomerSet = $proxy->call($sessionId, 'cart_customer.set', array($shoppingCartId, $customerAsGuest)); echo "<br />resultCustomerSet : ".$resultCustomerSet; // Set customer addresses, for example guest's addresses $arrAddresses = array( array( "mode" => "shipping", "firstname" => "S Firstname", "lastname" => "S Lastname", "company" => "S Company", "street" => "S Street", "city" => "S City", "region" => "S Region", "postcode" => "testPostcode", "country_id" => "IN", "telephone" => "0123456789", "fax" => "0123456789", "is_default_shipping" => 0, "is_default_billing" => 0 ), array( "mode" => "billing", "email" => "", "firstname" => "B Firstname", "lastname" => "B Lastname", "company" => "B Company", "street" => "B Street", "city" => "B City", "region" => "B Region", "postcode" => "B 400078", "country_id" => "IN", "telephone" => "0123456789", "fax" => "0123456789", "is_default_shipping" => 0, "is_default_billing" => 0 ) ); $resultCustomerAddresses = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_customer.addresses", array($shoppingCartId, $arrAddresses)); echo "<br />resultCustomerAddresses : ".$resultCustomerAddresses; // add products into shopping cart $arrProducts = array( array( "product_id" => "1", "qty" => 1 ), array( "product_id" => "2", "qty" => 1 ) ); $resultCartProductAdd = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_product.add", array($shoppingCartId, $arrProducts)); echo "<br />resultCartProductAdd : ".$resultCartProductAdd; /* Not required as of now // update product in shopping cart $arrProducts = array( array( "product_id" => "1", "qty" => 5 ), ); $resultCartProductUpdate = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_product.update", array($shoppingCartId, $arrProducts)); // remove products from shopping cart, for example by SKU $arrProducts = array( array( "sku" => "testSKU" ), ); $resultCartProductRemove = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_product.remove", array($shoppingCartId, $arrProducts)); */ // get list of products $shoppingCartProducts = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_product.list", array($shoppingCartId)); echo "<br />shoppingCartProducts : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($shoppingCartProducts); echo '</pre>'; $resultShippingMethods = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_shipping.list", array($shoppingCartId)); echo '<pre>'; print_r($resultShippingMethods); echo '</pre>'; /* // get list of shipping methods $resultShippingMethods = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_shipping.list", array($shoppingCartId)); echo "<br />1 resultShippingMethods : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($resultShippingMethods); echo '</pre>'; // set shipping method $shippingMethod = array( "method" => "flatrate_flatrate" ); */ $shippingMethod = $resultShippingMethods[0]["code"]; $resultShippingMethod = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_shipping.method", array($shoppingCartId, $shippingMethod)); /* // get list of payment methods $resultPaymentMethods = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_payment.list", array($shoppingCartId)); echo "<br />resultPaymentMethods : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($resultPaymentMethods); echo '</pre>'; */ // set payment method $paymentMethod = array( "method" => "purchaseorder", "po_number" => "annet-pk 001" ); $resultPaymentMethod = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_payment.method", array($shoppingCartId, $paymentMethod)); /*not required right now // add coupon $couponCode = "aCouponCode"; $resultCartCouponRemove = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_coupon.add", array($shoppingCartId, $couponCode)); // remove coupon $resultCartCouponRemove = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart_coupon.remove", array($shoppingCartId)); */ // get total prices $shoppingCartTotals = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart.totals", array($shoppingCartId)); echo "<br />shoppingCartTotals : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($shoppingCartTotals); echo '</pre>'; // get full information about shopping cart $shoppingCartInfo = $proxy->call($sessionId, "", array($shoppingCartId)); echo "<br />shoppingCartInfo : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($shoppingCartInfo); echo '</pre>'; /* //not required right now // get list of licenses $shoppingCartLicenses = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart.licenseAgreement", array($shoppingCartId)); echo "<br />shoppingCartLicences : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($shoppingCartLicences); echo '</pre>'; // check if license is existed $licenseForOrderCreation = null; if (count($shoppingCartLicenses)) { $licenseForOrderCreation = array(); foreach ($shoppingCartLicenses as $license) { $licenseForOrderCreation[] = $license['agreement_id']; } } echo "<br />licenseForOrderCreation : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($licenseForOrderCreation); echo '</pre>'; */ // create order $resultOrderCreation = $proxy->call($sessionId, "cart.order", array($shoppingCartId, null)); echo "<br />resultOrderCreation : <br />"; echo '<pre>'; print_r($resultOrderCreation); echo '</pre>'; ?>
Very useful post…..keep posting……
when $paymentmethod = “payucheckout_shared” it does not work…please help me